What's your hunch?

A hunch is an inkling, a possibility, a sneaking suspicion about the future. It’s that thought turning over in your head that just might mean you’re onto something.

We don’t often share our hunches, but when we do, amazing things can happen! 

At the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, we have a hunch your hunch can help build a future where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to achieve their fullest health and wellbeing. We hope you’ll share it.

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Share your hunch

It's easy. Choose a prompt and complete the form below.

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Thank you for submitting your hunch! 
We will email you when your hunch is live on this site.

If you have any questions, get in touch at hunches@rwjf.org

  • I wonder if...
  • I have a feeling that...
  • I'm noticing that...
  • I have a hunch that...
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Explore hunches

Explore the hunches below, share your favorites, create a stack of hunches that pique your curiosity, generate a random selection of hunches and see what new hunches emerge.

See Hunches Collide

When hunches come together, they can spark new ideas and insights. See if a selection of hunches picked at random inspires a new hunch for you.

Why share your hunch?

Our world needs more good ideas. Sharing our hunches may be one way to get there. 

While an idea can be acted on -- built, created, executed, stopped in its tracks -- a hunch more often needs to ferment. 

We created www.shareyourhunch.org so that anyone, anywhere can set their hunch free, giving it the freedom to grow stronger, to connect with other hunches, to spark new insights that can pave the way to a better future.

More about hunching

Get your friends hunching!

Know someone who has a hunch? Encourage them to set it free.

Insights from Our Blog: The Hunch Room

What can hunches tell us? Check out The Hunch Room for observations, insights and ideas emerging from shareyourhunch.org.